Point test table for subclass 189/190/491 visa
评分分类 Category | 评分标准 Points test criteria | 分值 Points |
年龄 Age | 18-24岁(至24岁364天,以下同) at least 18 but less than 25 years | 25 |
25-32岁 at least 25 but less than 33 years | 30 | |
33-39岁 at least 33 but less than 40 years | 25 | |
40-44岁 at least 40 but less than 45 years | 15 | |
英语 English Skills | Superior English (雅思4个8或PTE 4个79) To score 8 band in each module of IELTS or 79 in each module of PTE | 20 |
Proficient English (雅思4个7或PTE 4个65) To score 7 band in each module of IELTS or 65 in each module of PTE | 10 | |
Competent English (雅思4个6或PTE4个50) To score 6 band in each module of IELTS or 50 in each module of PTE | 0 | |
澳洲境外紧密相关工作经验 Overseas working experience (Highly relevant to nominated occupation) | 过去10年里不少于8年 No less than 8 years in the past 10 years | 15 |
过去10年里不少于5年 No less than 5 years in the past 10 years | 10 | |
过去10年里不少于3年 No less than 3 years in the past 10 years | 5 | |
澳洲境内紧密相关工作经验 Australian working (Highly relevant to nominated occupation) | 过去10年里不少于8年 No less than 8 years in the past 10 years | 20 |
过去10年里不少于5年 No less than 5 years in the past 10 years | 15 | |
过去10年里不少于3年 No less than 3 years in the past 10 years | 10 | |
过去10年里不少于1年 No less than 1 year in the past 10 years | 5 | |
备注:工作经验加分最多20分 Work experience Max 20 points | ||
学历 Educational qualifications
| 博士 PHD | 20 |
学士 Bachelor degree | 15 | |
澳洲学校颁发的Diploma A diploma qualification from an Australian educational institution. | 10 | |
澳洲学校颁发的Trade qualification A trade qualification from an Australian educational institution. | 10 | |
职业评估机构认可的跟提名职业相关的学历 Attained a qualification or award recognised by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation as being suitable for that occupation | 10 | |
其他 (可累加) Others (Accumulative) | 符合在澳洲完成2年学习要求 Meet the Australian study requirement | 5 |
完成职业年学习(会计、IT、工程)(48个月内) Completion of a Professional Year in Australia (Accounting, IT and Engineering) (within the past 48 months) | 5 | |
NAATI社区语言 Hold a recognised qualification in a credentialled community language | 5 | |
符合在澳洲偏远地区完成2年学习要求 You must have at least 1 degree, diploma or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution that satisfies the Australian study requirement obtained while living and studying in an eligible area of regional Australia. | 5 | |
特定学历(研究型STEM专业) A Masters degree by research or a Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution that included at least 2 academic years study in a relevant field. | 10 | |
配偶 Partner | 单身,或者配偶是澳洲公民或PR You are single or your spouse or de facto partner is Australian citizen or permanent resident | 10 |
配偶有在相同签证类别的移民职业清单上的职业(通过职业评估)并且有至少competent英语成绩 Your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass and has at least competent English | 10 | |
至少competent英语成绩 Has at least competent English | 5 | |
没有competent 英语成绩 Has no competent English | 0 | |
州政府/亲属担保 Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa | 190签证 190 visa | 5 |
491签证 491 visa | 15 |